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Validate SSN
Markitwan Allen

Work Eligibility: Eligible

In addition to Work Eligibility, Employers are responsible for checking "Training and Work History" and "Certification Program Information" to determine if person is eligible to work in a position that requires certification, such as a CNA, DD Aide, or DSP.

Administrative Findings:
  No administrative findings on record.

IDPH Determination of Illinois State Police Background Check:

Last Employment Verification:

Certification Program Information:
  No programs on record.

    Date Training Successfully Completed:

    Date of Competency Evaluation:
  No competencies on record.

"No health care employer shall hire, employ, or retain any individual who has a disqualifying conviction or an administrative finding of abuse, neglect or theft pursuant to 42 CFR Section 483.13 and 225 ILCS 46/25"
idph online home
Illinois Department of Public Health
535 West Jefferson Street
Springfield, Illinois 62761
Phone 844-789-3676
Fax 217-524-0137
TTY 800-547-0466
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